

There is a highway connection to Rize from all over Turkey. Transportation in Rize, located on the Eastern Black Sea coastline, is carried out by road, air and sea. Railway network is not available in our province. Transportation by air is provided from Rize-Artvin Airport. Rize-Artvin Airport was opened on May 14, 2022. It is located within the borders of Pazar district of Rize. It is 34 km to the center of Rize, 54 km to Hopa and 125 km to the center of Artvin.

Rize port is connected to highway lines due to its location and is the shortest transit route center of the Black Sea Region with Trabzon, Hopa, Russian ports and Iranian connection via İkizdere-Erzurum.

Planning your travel to Turkey is exciting, but before going to Turkey, you may need these useful tips:

  • Documents you need to bring: your passport, with a valid visa; travel itinerary and tickets; a letter of acceptance from your university. (If you bring the address of your new university, plus the telephone number and ideally the name of a member of staff, it will be helpful to you).
  • Health and travel insurance: First ask your university for advice – they may offer a special insurance policy for their students. Asking to the insurance companies will be helpful. For information about vaccinations and other health-related considerations, check our Health section.
  • Do not forget that most airlines charge for excess baggage.
  • Temperatures in Turkey vary from season to season and from region to region. For information about Turkey, check our Weather section.